Our mission

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Our company

We believe that there are too many useless business gifts ending up in the trash bins. We are trying to change that with unique, useful gifts that ease users’ everyday life. Majority of our products are produced locally (in EU), using eco-friendly materials. We always strive towards high quality as we believe that “only quality is sustainable”.

You are welcome to check our projects.


We believe there are many brilliant ideas out there that never get to see the light of the day. That happens mainly because people lack the time, the knowledge, or the energy to pursue them. And even with those things available, how is one to tell if his or her idea would turn out successful? It seems only reasonable to check the potential as soon as possible. Inventedfor.com, is a crowdsourcing platform where idea owners can check the global market potential and realize product idea without any financial input or public disclosure of the idea. Through this unique business model, supported by our knowledge, great connections and experience, we strive to establish a link between the companies that hunt for great ideas and creative individuals who lack the means or knowledge to bring their inventions to life. Our mission is simple: to develop numerous ideas into smart products that will add more value, ease and creativity to our everyday lives.


It’s our newest project, promoting social and environmental responsibility. It’s a psychological tool that teaches users how transform their dreams into goals and wire their brain to success. The tool was developed by Sara Isaković, a performance psychologist, published researcher in neuroscience, and Olympic silver medalist. All components of the product are entirely made from sustainable materials in an ECO factory in Poland. More at www.playtomakeithappen.eu


Stone from the street or stone from the moon can be the same. It’s just the story behind that is different. We believe that the story, gives the real value to the gift. The story can be written, filmed, or shown with a graphic. We believe that business gifts should communicate the story of the company, sector or project. That’s why we developed a GrowGraphic.com platform, that enables creative individuals from all over the world to wrap business gifts in special graphics that tell stories of companies’ sectors and brands. Companies select a graphic that fits their purpose and customize it in several ways.


It’s our B2C web shop, offering only products that are contributing to wellbeing and making life easier and more joyful. Our goal is to constantly develop more products that help users maintain their physical or mental health, or just make them feel better.